Thursday, October 31, 2019
Service Marketing Management in Ebay Case Study
Service Marketing Management in Ebay - Case Study Example This research will begin with the statement that eBay ( is managed by EBay Inc., an Internet company based in America. offers an Internet-based service that allows for online auctions, selling and buying of new and second hand products. While the company originally began functioning in US, today it has localized branches in Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, Poland, Philippines and Taiwan to name a few. Besides, EBay Inc also owns the sites of PayPal and Skype among its other businesses. Since the site was established in the year 1995, it has become the largest place in the world to buy and sell a range of products to a range of people. In April 2006, eBay also opened its new eBay Express site. This site works like a standard Internet shopping site for consumers from United States. A UK version and then a German version were launched later in the year and offers brand new items sold by pre-vetted sellers. T he company works with the mission to provide a global trading platform where practically anyone can trade anything. The company has a unique offering of an auction-based sales service where retailers or private seller can present their item to purchasers. Demand and supply: The level of demand and supply on eBay is high as there are many people seeking to sell what they do not need for a good deal. Approximately the site has 212 million registered buyers and sellers as of date. A wide range of things like rare items, new products, collectibles and used goods can be found for sale on the site. The site is well known as a good place for comparison shopping as many similar products are listed side by side. Auction-style listings, fixed price formats and Dutch auctions are a few kinds of auctions the site provides for. However there are cases where the required products are not available. Not much can be done in cases where demand exceeds capacity and customers just have to live with th e fact that sellers are not selling the required product. Services marketing integration and management: Customers usually search for products on parameters like price and product features. eBay allows customers to sort similar items based on pricing, making the task of purchasing a relatively easy one. Phone help is offered to select members only (those who sell a minimum of $3000 worth goods per month through the site). Live chat with customer service representatives is however available. Areas where eBay dissatisfies customers include wrong shipping labels and insufficient customer support as all queries are not addressed with the same interest. The blame culture is high at eBay, and though the site issues regular warnings, blogs and advice, many blame the site for wrong transactions. One criticism regards its privacy policy whereby eBay turns its user information to law enforcement agencies often without a subpoena. While no solid proof has been generated for this case, it is a popular rumour, popular enough to be believed by its wide customer base as true. Finally no panel of experts or support system is available to identify whether a particular product is worth the money or not.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
College - Essay Example Being a leader of a great number of people will require one to be patient and try to understand his or her people. Financial crisis management is another problem that if not properly managed the leaders responsible might even face corruption cases. Sustainability is another area of great concern that should be looked at. Strategies should be placed to enable that the current good situations are sustained. It is not an easy task to be achieved when looking at how the environment changes daily. We should develop skills that must be learned in order to be aware of and respond appropriately to change. Technology change is the main reason for most changes. We should, therefore, be equipped with knowledge of the latest technology. Understanding and usage of the latest technology will enable us cope up with environmental changes. As a leader, people expect good performance. Most people think that performance management is that easy but it is an area of great concern that requires appropriate knowledge and skills. Another challenge in this field is decision-making. Decision-making requires to be taken in an appropriate time and is usually associated with aperson making risks. Some situations require quick decision-making which may cau se bad outcomes. Before making a decision, both positive and negative outcomes should be considered. Ethical practice should be considered appropriately as well. Master’s in public administration is a field that faces many challenges and the people pursuing this field should be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them be competent. The list of challenges is long, and the above list is just a part of them. MPA is an area that will equip us with the appropriate skills and knowledge. Master’s in public administration is a field that I am interested in. It is an area on completion, will enable me to meet and successfully tackle the many challenges faced, some of which have been highlighted above.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Social Policy Essay: What is Social Policy?
Social Policy Essay: What is Social Policy? What is social policy? Social Policy Social Policy refers to the development of welfare, social administration and policies of the government used for social protection. Social policy is related to the governmental approach of development of social services towards formation of a welfare state (Alcock, 2003). British welfare state is associated with poor laws established to cater to the needs of the poor. Social policy is not just a mere academic subject but relates to social and economic conditions of a country, how to promote these conditions for the development of a welfare state. Social policy, administration and social work are all aimed at the administration of welfare and the main areas of concern include tackling of social problems, administration of health, education and employment services, community care, crime and disability. Social policy is also related to issues of race, poverty, gender and the relevant collective responsibility of society and community (Coffey, 2004). Social policy is heavily dependent o n related disciplines of social work, psychology, law, economics, sociology, politics, economics, philosophy and public health. According to Burch et al (1991), Policies are courses of action, whether intended or unintended, that are deliberately adopted or can be shown to follow regular patterns over time., and Social policies have to do with human beings living together as a group in a situation requiring that they have dealings with each other. (1991, p.2) Burch et al further claim that Social Policy is associated with de jure, de facto and default claims, which means that Social policy is rooted in legal framework and tends to follow a particular form of practice. Yet, social policies are also subject to failures and an absence of implementation. Explaining Social Policy Emphasizing on the need for proper implementation of policies, Krysik et al (1998) suggest that social policy is about decision making and choosing among many alternative courses of action. Giving a complete administrative and procedural description to social policy, they claim that implementation strategies towards particular goals should deal with: issues of financing and reimbursement, e.g., sources of revenue and formulas for sharing costs; whether to use market mechanisms or public provision, or some combination of both; appropriateness of administrative mechanisms for a particular policy; and level(s) of government involvement and appropriateness of roles. (Krysik et al 1998, p.3) Krysik et al bring out an important aspect of social policy suggesting that social policy and the concept of individual well being is mainly a consequent process of the Social Security Act 1935 that identified the following needs: economic security; employment (the Federal Employment Act of 1946 expressed the goal of full employment for everyone able to work); housing [the Housing Act of 1949 (P.L. 81-171) stated that all Americans have the right to decent housing, in decent surroundings of their choosing]; health (the Comprehensive Health Planning Act of 1967 stated that Americans have the right to the highest quality of health care services available); education for handicapped children (P.L. 94-142 of 1975 insured the provision of a free, appropriate public education for all). (Krysik et al, 1998, p.5) Social policy addresses two main aspects of welfare and administration. Welfare economics is understood in terms of utility or peoples well being and refers to the range of services that can protect people against sicknesses, old age and the associated term welfare state, is used synonymously with social protection referred to within the European union. Welfare is thus a broad term and a description of welfare state would aim to achieve not just a realization of peoples needs but a general physical and psychological well-being as well. Social policy towards a welfare state approach is guided by several humanitarian, democratic, religious and practical concerns. Humanitarian concerns are related to eradication of poverty and practical necessities deal with economic and social provisions and benefits (Hill, 2000). Religious aspects emphasize on the charitable duties towards the community at large and democratic concerns highlight social protection as a fundamental democratic right of every individual. In this sense social policy has political and sociological aspects concerned not just with well being but tends to highlight proper living as a fundamental right of an individual. Principles and values applied to social policy can refer to needs, interests or wants of people with conditions such as poverty being identified as projecting lack of well-being. Social well being is generally considered in the interests of families, communities and individuals as people depend on social interaction, education and cooperative work to achieve social targets and rely on social interdependence for personal well-being. Social policy and administration is closely associated with individual perception of society, social values and social interaction as a means to fulfill specific social responsibility aimed at common good. When considering the ideal conditions of a welfare state or the factors of a lack of well being, several aspects on poverty, necessity, unemployment, old age, mental illness, disability and social exclusion are brought into focus. These refer to problems or obstacles in attaining the condition of welfare or a state of well being for all. Poverty can mean a deprivation of basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, education but along with economic deprivation can also mean social exclusion, poor material conditions of living and is defined by normative or felt needs. However, poverty has its own stigma and can carry implications of inequality as poor people are the ones considered socially inadequate, who adapt themselves to a culture of poverty and poor due to the inequalities in social structure. Unemployment and social exclusion are other negative factors that tend to retard social policy towards welfare aims. Unemployment can be due to inadequacy in appropriate skills, or due to physical limitations such as old age and disability. Illness and old age are associated as health of old people are below average and most elderly individuals also suffer from some disability. All this is added to problems of isolation and mental dissatisfaction or some sort of psychological crisis in old age. According to the World Health Organization disability is however either an impairment as in problems in bodily structure or functions, a disability or inability to perform certain activities or a handicap which relate to problems with social participation (WHO, 2005). Disability of any form of permanent illness can have social, physical or psychological implications and forms a significant aspect of welfare considerations. Although social policy is focused on the more politically active and conscious younger generation and tends to attend to social needs of employment and rights and justice issues that concern young people. Social policy is thus an all-inclusive diverse di scipline with varied academic and socio-political aspects with active concerns on public health and welfare. Daly (2003) emphasizes on the importance of governance as a frame of analysis in social policy and investigates the usage and utility of governance as a discipline to study aspects of social policy. Using governance and political decisions as tools for development of social policy in the UK, Daly considers the public sphere, policy implementation, societal incorporation and policy making through governance examining the various strengths and weaknesses of governance including it focus on power and different levels of action and analysis. Daly approaches an important question as to whether a strong focus on state and governance leads to residualization of social policy and society. Taylor (1998) takes on a different approach and emphasizes the importance of social identity in social policy research. Taylors attempt was to go beyond for or against postmodernism arguments and argues that identity and difference from a social perspective and an analysis of social relations should also be considered alongside structural inequalities within the theoretical considerations of social policy. Taylor suggests that there are problems in the understanding of the concept of social policy which according to him is clearly misunderstood and delineates the necessity of a provisional theory that can distinguish between ontological and categorical identity in social policy. This he suggests would help to improve an understanding of the role of soils policy in the process of social identity formation. Franklin (2003) analyses the concept of social capital as an important instrument to political change. Franklin writes that the idea o social capital reconfigures the dynamics between social justice and economic efficiency and makes social relationships a key factor in explaining levels of inequality, economic prosperity and political participation (Franklin 2003, p.349). The concept of social capital as the focus of social policy shifts the focus of responsibility from government to individual, from economy to society informing policies that highlight social behavior reducing costs to government providing in turn economic solutions to social problems. The human as agency has also been taken up in social policy research extensively and Deacon and Mann (1999) focus on individual behavior in sociology and social policy research. The focus of the article is on the individual and the increasing moral and ethical dilemmas faced by an individual in a contemporary society, an aspect that has broad implications of social policy that is concerned with a general well being of every individual and a sense of well being is an important part of moral and ethical values. The authors suggest that moralists such as Field and Mead share the need for restructuring welfare to encourage responsible moral behavior. However sociologists Beck and Bauman believe that such a forced method might prove not only futile but even dangerous. Individualistic approaches and theories face considerable resistance from quarters that fear any support for atavistic individualism. However, the authors realize the need for a revival of theories based on the individual hu man agency that can create opportunities within social science and make it more sensitive to the activities of poor people and to the necessities and differences of a contemporary diverse British society. Conclusion: In this essay we analyzed the definitions of social policy and highlighted the all-encompassing nature of social policy and practice and how this is related to the concept of British welfare state. In this context we also analyzed the concept of welfare as government action to promote well-being considering the necessities of unemployed young people as also disabled or ill elderly persons. The needs of the poor and socially excluded are also considered in drawing up polices based on national health system and social security concerns. In our analysis of recent research papers, we discussed individual behavior, social identity, moral and ethical responsibility, and political issues in governance as important aspects of social policy research. Bibliography PC Alcock. 2003. The Subject of Social Policy (In The Students Companion to Social Policy, second edition, PC Alcock, A Erskine, M May (Joint Editors), Oxford, Blackwell, ISBN: 1405102918). Publication: 14532. Pete Alcock Social Policy in Britain: Themes and Issues. Macmillan Press. 2003 Hobart A. Burch, Donna G. Michaels; The Whys of Social Policy: Perspective on Policy Preferences Praeger Publishers, 1991 Coffey, Amanda, 1967- Reconceptualizing social policy : sociological perspectives on contemporary social policy / Amanda Coffey. Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2004. MARY DALY Governance and Social Policy Journal of Social Policy, Volume 32, Issue 01. January 2003. pp113-128 ALAN DEACON, KIRK MANN Agency, Modernity and Social Policy Journal of Social Policy, Volume 28, Issue 03. June 1999. pp413-435 Strengthening social policy : lessons on forging government-civil society policy partnerships / editors Laura Edgar, Jennifer Chandler. Ottawa, Ont. : Institute on Governance, c2004. Hankivsky, Olena A. R. (Olena Areta Renata) Social policy and the ethic of care / Olena Hankivsky. Vancouver, B.C. : UBC Press, c2004. Jane Franklin Social Capital: Policy and Politics Social Policy and Society, Volume 2, Issue 04. October 2003. pp349-352 PAUL HOGGETT Agency, Rationality and Social Policy Journal of Social Policy, Volume 30, Issue 01. January 2001. pp37-56 Heck, Ronald H. Studying educational and social policy : theoretical concepts and research methods / Ronald H. Heck. Mahwah, N.J. ; London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Howard Glennerster British Social Policy since 1945. Second Edition. Blackwell. 2000 Michael Hill Understanding Social Policy. Sixth Edition. Blackwell. 2000. Lowe, Rodney. The welfare state in Britain since 1945 / Rodney Lowe. 3rd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Nicholas Timmins The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State. HarperCollins. 2001. Thomas and Dorothy Wilson The State and Social Welfare the objectives of policy. Longman. 1991. Michael Hill Glen Bramley Analysing Social Policy. Basil Blackwell. 1986. Eric Midwinter The Butskellite consensus (c.1951-1973/9) (Chapter 7) in The Development of Social Welfare in Britain. Open University Press. 1994. DAVID TAYLOR Social Identity and Social Policy: Engagements with Postmodern Theory Journal of Social Policy, Volume 27, Issue 03. July 1998. pp329-350 Social Policy and Social Work: Critical Essays on the Welfare State Judy Krysik, Robert M. Moroney; Aldine De Gruyter, 1998 WHO
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Window into Adolescent Literacy Essay -- Literary Analysis, Wise, Sc
Over the course of the 21st century, there has been a steady decline in the rate of high school graduates. With such an important factor to the success of adolescents, school administrations have begun to take notice of such unacceptable findings. In this process they have attempted to understand the needs of our youth and the methods that give them the opportunity to become better readers, writers and overall students. To these young individuals, these years of development are pivotal to there success as adults. Educators must work together with the student to understand their individual forms of learning, not every student is the same and must be given the opportunity to learn no matter what the circumstance might be. The years prior to when an individual reaches the opportunity to attend college, is one of much importance. Especially when it comes to Literacy, this alone spreads into all subject areas. Literacy should be considered one of the most important aspects of a student’s career, if not the most important. Research by Bob Wise (2009) suggests that the main problem in today’s districts is that a good amount of administrations believe that literacy comes after school reform on the list of important topics. The belief is that the problem is not associated to all adolescents; therefore it should be the responsibility of the English teachers. The problem there is that students start to fall behind in all subjects and many end up having to repeat grade levels. Teachers in all subject areas should put a strong emphasis on literacy, and when the student starts to struggle, there responsibility should be to refer them to extra help or provide assistance themselves, its never benefi cial for the student if the educators belie... ...g, you don’t learn it, you absorb it. You don’t even realize it because it’s such a joyful feeling that it just sticks with you. You want to learn more about it and in the process you pursue as much information as you possibly can. I honestly believe that in this new era of social networking, the students I teach one day will have better literacy skills then I did at their age. They are constantly bombarded by messaging, texting, emailing etc†¦ It’s our job to understand them and take the fundamental values of literacy, combine it with our own instruction, and then implemented with there own interests and give these students all a better opportunity at learning. It sounds like plenty of work for educators, but we should not look at it as work, but more of passion to teach these students the fundamental values of literacy, which will one day, provide them success.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mythic proportions Essay
Linton Heathcliff is a contradiction in terms. His name signifies the unnatural union between Heathcliff and the Lintons or between passion and convention and his sickly nature demonstrates the impossibility of such a union. In Linton both love and convention emerge as corrupted by each other. He is described as ‘a pet’, a ‘puling chicken’ and a ‘whelp’. Like both his parents, however, Linton’s view of the world is singular, and it is his inability to see it in any way but his own terms which renders him absolutely available for manipulation by Heathcliff. Hareton Of his generation, Hareton’s character is perhaps the most intriguing, reversing the comparative lack of interest we feel for his father, Hindley. Hareton is brutalised by Heathcliff, structurally repeating Heathcliff’s own suffering at the hands of Hindley. Hareton’s relationship with Cathy has similarly been read as mirroring Heathcliff’s with Catherine, in as much as he is desirous of impressing her, and he is proud in her presence. His love of Cathy, however, might be said more closely to resemble Edgar’s love of Catherine in as much as it is moderate yet tender, devoted yet restrained. Hareton also exhibits an unwavering love for Heathcliff, in spite of the ill-treatment he has received at his hands. Like Catherine, Hareton is constant in his initial affections, and when Heathcliff first arrives into his life they form an alliance against Hindley. Although Hareton’s name is inscribed above the door of Wuthering Heights, his inability to read, coupled with the repetitious doubling of names and signatures, means that he fails to inherit his rightful property. Hareton is dispossessed by Heathcliff, but can also be seen as a rewriting of Heathcliff, a surrogate or symbolic Heathcliff. The development of Hareton’s characterisation revolves around his education. He is initially nursed by Nelly, the novel’s surrogate mother, and under her tuition he begins to learn his letters. However, left to the ministrations of his dissolute and unpredictable father Hindley, Hareton grows wild and uncultivated, unable to read, and with no social skills. His attempts at self-improvement are the source of mockery and derision by Linton and Cathy, and it is not until the end of the novel that he is able to acquire the skills necessary for him to achieve social status with Cathy and come into his rightful inheritance. The domestic romance which typifies the final union between Cathy and Hareton may well resolve some of the conflicts that thwart the other relationships in the novel, but their union lacks the grand passion, the wild power of the original love between Catherine and Heathcliff. Cathy Structurally the second Cathy can be seen as revising her mother’s story. She achieves her identity at the price of her mother’s, and Edgar always differentiates her in relation to the first Catherine, whose name he never diminished. Unlike Linton, who has the misfortune of inheriting the worst of both his parents, Cathy appears to have inherited the best from both of hers. Nelly sees Lockwood as a possible escape route for Cathy should he be induced to fall in love with her. We are privy to reports of Cathy’s pride, and her insensitive mockery of Hareton’s lack of formal knowledge. The revolution of the novel in which she and Hareton form their attachment is something of a mythical resolution, a romantic conclusion which transcends the central conflicts of the novel to restore a traditional novelistic plot of courtship and marriage. Cathy and Hareton’s relationship restores to the novel and version of domestic bliss that was the Victorian ideal, but it is well to bear in mind that Bronte’s is a version in which Cathy clearly has the upper hand. Nelly Nelly Dean is the second and dominant narratorial voice in this novel. She takes up the story from Lockwood and gives it both substance and credence. Lockwood’s inability to read the signs of the culture in which he finds himself cannot sustain the story, though it acts to remind us that all narratorial voices, including Nelly’s, are partial. Nelly Dean is a local, and has known each generation of the Earnshaw and Linton families. She is therefore well-placed to offer Lockwood a commentary upon the events she describes. Her position of servant is differentiated from that of that of other servants, both in terms of the fact that she appears to move effortlessly between the two houses, mediating between their differences, and in terms of her voice. Nelly Dean does not share a regional dialect with the other servants but she understands it perfectly. She also emerges as an educated woman, having read most of the books in the library at Thrushcross Grange – the house of culture – and in having experienced the vicissitudes of Wuthering Heights – the house of nature. In keeping with her dual roles, Nelly has two names, Ellen, her given name which is used by those wishing to accord her respect, and Nelly, the name her peers and familiars employ. Nelly is one of the most interesting characters in this novel, not least because of the language she uses. She occupies a unique cultural position in this novel. She has access to a range of discourses that might be considered beyond her ken in terms of her position as a family servant; yet as the central narrator Bronte presents her as a speaking subject, partially excluded from culture but nonetheless positioned so as to be able to comment upon it. Nelly acts as a surrogate mother to many of the motherless characters in this novel: she brings up Hareton for the first five years of his life; she cares for Cathy from birth through to her marriage to Linton; she regrets the brevity of her charge of Linton, which is forced by circumstance; and she acts as confidant and advisor to Catherine and Heathcliff. She also acts as a mother-figure to Lockwood as she nurses him back to health. As surrogate mother Nelly provides food and moral sustenance to her nurslings. Nelly Dean is most carefully, consistently and convincingly created for us as the normal woman, whose truly feminine nature satisfies itself in nurturing all the children of the book in turn. This reading of Nelly as the mother-figure alerts us to another of her roles, for Nelly is a mother goose, the teller of this fairytale, the keeper of its wisdom. The name might also be a corruption of Mother Gossip. Both of these definitions are pertinent to the figure of Nelly, since the knowledge she conveys is at least twofold: it is about women’s experience, and it is about the nature of love. Nelly knows that her story has to entertain and ensnare us. Yet her voice is rooted in the realist narrative. With her love of a well-brushed hearth and gleaming copper pans, Nelly weaves for us a fairy tale of mythic proportions. Given our narrator’s sympathies we are inevitably drawn to the novel’s celebration of passion, and find the strictures of its dominant discourses of marriage and religion as stifling and incomprehensible as do its main protagonists.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
College Development Essay
Residential life is part of almost every college or university. When most people think about residential life, they think of dorms and roommates; however, residential life is much more. The organizations are mostly divided into three units that make it all work: residence life programs, housing operations, and room assignments. (â€Å"College and university,†) Residence life is one of the major parts of a student’s environment. They only spend about twenty percent of their time in classrooms, as they spend most of their free time in housing. Residential life helps students to develop as young adults and future leaders. â€Å"The purpose of residence life programs is to provide educational programming, nonclinical counseling, and support for student learning†. (â€Å"College and university,†) People who are employed in residential programs mostly focus on improving student life and its safety, which helps to develop communication skills among people and also increase personal growth among student peers. The second unit of resident life is housing operations; they deal with daily tasks such as cleanliness, construction, and management. In a residential setting, is important to keep the environment clean and the buildings running properly in order for the community to work. The last unit of residential life is room assignments, in which finding the best-fit roommate is the most important. This area of residential life is designated to make room changes and monitor the occupancy of other housings. If there is a situation where problem occurs among roommates, the roommate assignment staff tries to find the best solution to find a resolution. Although it is often not realized, Residential Life is a big part of student life as it is a major factor in shaping a student’s experience in the institution. To ensure that residential life is at its best, the institution hires educated and professional staff. Almost every floor in each dorm has a residential assistant, who is responsible for maintaining a positive environment and be there for students if they are having a hard time adjusting. Residential assistants also welcome the students back to their dorms and inform students about upcoming activities and clubs. At the beginning of the school year, the RA creates a Facebook page for the people that they are responsible for and have group meetings to discuss issues and regulations. This helps new students feel welcome in their dorm and creates an environment where students can interact with other people in their dorms. Most dorms also have residence directors or graduate assistance. â€Å"Their responsibilities usually include staff development of their RAs, student counseling, educational programming, enforcement of institutional policies in the residence halls, and may also include other functions such as academic advising, intramural sports adviser, and facilities management†. (â€Å"College and university,†) If the RA cannot deal with a problem, they report to residence director or graduate assistance, depending on who is available to their building. The staff goes through training to make sure that every need of a student is met. â€Å"There is a strong need for well-qualified, educated, and trained entry-lever live-in professional staff in campus residence halls to support and achieve the academic and educational goals of the institution†(Belch, Wilson & Dunkel). It is important for students to be engaged and connected to school spirit, as it is more likely that they will remain in that institution. (Brooks). Each institution wants to give the best experience and education possible to their students. The person that oversees the Residential Assistants, Residential Directors, and Graduate Assistances is the Assistant Director of Residential Life. Keyne Cahoon is the Assistant Director of residential Life at Northeastern University and has many tasks during the day that keep her busy: â€Å"My primary responsibility is to directly supervise 5, 2 GAs, and indirectly supervise approximately 50 RAs. Additionally, I am responsible for the overall administration of the residential student conduct process (so I work with OSCCR to review and assign cases where residential student are involved), I am in charge of the professional staff recruitment and selection process (so I recruit and coordinate the process to hire all RDs and Assistant Directors of Residential Life), and I serve as a core team member of We Care†. (Cahoon, 2013) Being an Assistant Director of Residential Life is more than just dealing with housing situations. It involves a lot of communication among co-workers, documentations, and solving sometimes-unrealistic problems. Keyne Cahoon enjoys this challenge: â€Å"I enjoy students’ energy and excitement. I enjoy helping them figure out a problem and helping them solve it themselves†. (Cahoon, 2013) She is really involved in the community and enjoys every second of it. She finds her job very interesting and her passion makes her job a hobby. The only person who oversees her work is Brie McCormick, the Associate Director of Residential Life. She supervises the Assistant Director of Residential Life and deals with a lot of day-to-day issues for the department as a whole. The Associate Dean of Cultural, Residential & Spiritual Life of Northeastern University is Robert Jose. He represents the Residential life as a whole unit. The theories that Residential Life uses are theories of organizations and campus environments, typology theories and models, and student success theories. All of these theories have the main focus to improve on student life outside of the classroom. Residential Life aims to provide complex learning by giving students the opportunities to make friends, be part of a groups or a clubs, play a sports, and much more. Living in dorms teaches them how to deal with every day situations in classrooms or outside. Students will be able to be â€Å"able to apply acquired knowledge to everyday situations, able to communicate clearly and effectively, acts responsibly to others, is civic minded, understands and appreciates those of other nationalities and cultures, is self-aware, and has a sense of connectedness to the university†. (Brooks) Living in the dorms helps students prepare for life after college or university and enables them to apply the things they have learned to a variety of situations. References Belch, H. A. , Wilson, M. E. , & Dunkel, N. (n. d. ). Cultures of success:recruiting and retaining new live-in residence life professionals. The College Student Affairs Journal, 27(2), 176-193. Brooks, S. E. (n. d. ). The connection between residence life and first-year student retention at the university of Pittsburgh. The Journal of College and University Student Housing, 37(1), 12-23. College and university residence halls – purpose of residence halls, organization and administration, residence hall staffing, residence hall student government read more: College and university residence halls – purpose of residence halls, organization and administration, residence hall staffing, residence hall student government. (n. d. ). Retrieved from.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The mega and task environments are external influencers to an organisation Essays
The mega and task environments are external influencers to an organisation Essays The mega and task environments are external influencers to an organisation Paper The mega and task environments are external influencers to an organisation Paper Essay Topic: Kindred 1. Introduction The mega and task environments are external influencers to an organisation and need to be recognised, analysed and managed for the business to experience sustained success and competitive advantage in the market. These external stimuli include factors such as technological, economic and legal-political elements and customers, competitors, suppliers and employees (Bartol et al, 2003).. Organisations must look outside of their behaviour product markets only and include political and social factors, labour training and employment norms and legislation as well as culture and values when making sound business decisions (North, 1990). The elements made up in the mega and task environments are explored in this discussion as they relate to SecurityMail, an organisation specialising in the direct marketing industry. Tony Revell, the Sales Business Solutions Manager at SecurityMail, was interviewed to gain an understanding of the external factors influencing business sales operations at SecurityMail. This discussion aims to analyse the mega and task environmental elements that effect the organisation and whether all the elements are identified as being important. 2. SecurityMail SecurityMail was founded in 1980 in response to a demand for a secure mailing house and is the third largest mail house in Australia. SecurityMail has grown into a sophisticated information systems management business with an annual turnover of $120 million. They employ 700 people at operations in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and their core business activity is defined as data and document management (SecurityMail National Employee Handbook, 2002). SecurityMail has created a niche in the market by providing a personalised service, tailored to meet the individual needs of their customers. They recognise that many clients have specific requirements that may be unique to them or their industry. SecurityMail also recognises that in order to be able to meet the requirements of their client base they must also seek and foster a responsive and co-operative approach from their suppliers (SecurityMail Company Profile, 2001). Tony Revell, the General Manager, Victoria Sales Business Solutions is well placed to observe and comment on SecurityMails relationship with its external environment. Tony joined SecurityMail in April 2001 having come from within the mail processing and fulfilment industry. He has over 24 years management and sales experience in the direct mailing and chemical and scientific industries and also has an MBA and a Bachelor of Business majoring in Economics and Marketing. At Security Mail Tony Revell manages the Sales and Business Development activities and also the Project Management arm of the operations in Victoria (refer to Appendix 1.1 for SecurityMails Organisational Chart). He is in constant contact with the external environment and is required to manage the effects and influences of both the mega and task environments and talked in depth about the effects these environments have on SecurityMails operations. 3 Mega and Task Environments 3.1 Mega Environment The term mega environment refers to the external environment that reflects conditions and trends in the society that an organisation operates within. There are five major elements to the mega environment; technological, economic, legal-political, sociocultural and international. These elements are often external to the span of control of the organisation and as such are often unable to be influenced directly (Bartol et al, 2003). 3.1.1 Technological Element SecurityMails emphasis is on harnessing technology to get information moved intelligently, reliably, quickly and securely. It is therefore paramount that management stay abreast of changes in technology. They do this through memberships on industry groups, journals, suppliers and through information extracted from the market by the sales team and by attendance at overseas trade shows. Continual re-investment of capital into technology and equipment has been essential for the organisation to remain competitive. This re-investment has ensured that SecurityMails products and services are meeting or exceeding the demands of their clients. Many of these new technologies are at the forefront in the market in which it operates. SecurityMail has invested in new equipment harnessing the latest in technology to process client work faster and more efficient than ever before. 3.1.2 Economic Element Tony Revell concluded during his discussions that the economic element does have an important impact on the operations of SecurityMail. The importance extended to national issues such as inflation and interest rates. This effect was felt recently on market forces impacting the financial services segment. Declining share prices of some of their major clients impacted the clients marketing dollar and as such SecurityMail experienced reduced marketing campaign work, a factor of which they could not exert control over. 3.1.3 Legal-political Element The organisation functions under the required legislation governing the operation of companies within Australia. This does not have a huge impact on the operations of the organisation but does still play a factor in its business decisions and application of corporate governance. The new privacy legislation that became effective in December 2001 impacts the ways in which SecurityMail can store, transfer and use the data it collects from its clients. The impact felt was relative to new processes of operation it had to adopt to comply with the legislation but has now just become part of the way the company does business. Positive legal and political impacts have been felt through the deregulation of the financial, telecommunications and utilities markets. Changes impacting SecurityMails clients through political and legal changes has created additional growth opportunities for SecurityMail. Client legislative requirements can impact the operations of SecurityMail such as legal mailings advising customers of a bank rate change. This form of communication is legislated and equates to penalties being imposed to the financial institution if mail is not received by customers by a pre-determined date. The legal environment experienced by its clients is therefore transferred to SecurityMail. The organisation recognises that it must keep abreast of legal and political changes in the external environment to ensure it complies with relevant legislation and reacts to identified business opportunities. It also must keep abreast of the legal and political factors experienced by its clients to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty and the avoidance of penalties. 3.1.4 Sociocultural Element The sociocultural element focuses on the attitudes, norms, values, beliefs and behaviours of the demographic region in which an organisation operates (Bartol et al, 2003). As SecurityMail only operates within Australia the impact is not seen as having a major influence on SecurityMails operations. When questioned further Tony Revell elaborated on regional sociocultural elements impacting the organisation: * The adoption of flexible work practices to accommodate demands in society for family friendly employers. * Recognition of language barriers and systems for overcoming these for the unskilled manufacturing labour force. * Challenges in the future with the introduction of new technology. Additional training resources will be required by the organisation to skill up its blue-collar workers. * New technology will also require labour with higher skills sets which will be harder to draw upon in the local area. * Occupational Health Safety issues with an ageing mostly female blue-collar workforce. 3.1.5 International Element This element was not seen as having a major impact on SecurityMail. The only international dealings relate to information seeking regarding new technologies and equipment. There is no move at this stage for SecurityMail to enter the international arena. 3.2 Task Environment The second external environment segment impacting on organisations is the task environment. The task environment encompasses the elements an organisation must deal with when interfacing during the course of conducting its business. Elements included in this segment are customers and clients, competitors, suppliers, employees and government bodies. As organisations confront these elements during the course of its operations the organisation is more likely to have an impact on these elements rather than those in the mega environment (Bartol et al, 2003). 3.2.1 Customers and Clients SecurityMail has a diverse client base interacting with blue-chip companies in the financial services, telecommunications, utilities and advertising sectors. Since SecurityMails inception it has been their aim to provide a customer oriented service that meets the changing needs of their clients and to create a total solution that is integrated, flexible and cost effective. They have created a niche in the market by providing a personalised service, tailored to meet the individual needs of their customers. SecurityMail works closely with their clients to ensure that requirements are understood and met and that service level agreements are both reflective of the needs of the client but also the resourcing and capacity levels at SecurityMail. Regular work in progress and client meetings are held to discuss the progress of campaigns and redevelopment work and also to address quickly any issues that require resolution. The organisation also conducts regular customer satisfaction surveys and has implemented a corrective action system to ensure any client complaints and non-conformances are communicated to senior management and are acted upon in a timely manner to achieve the best outcome for both the client and SecurityMail. Each client in excess of $50,000 has a dedicated Account Manager to service their needs and add value to their operations thereby cementing further the relationship with SecurityMail. SecurityMail manages many customer relationship programs for their clients and therefore has the opportunity to observe and adopt best practice in terms of customer relationship management principles practiced by blue-chip Australian companies. The relationship between SecurityMail and its clients is seen as having the utmost importance to the sustained success of the organisation. 3.2.2 Competitors There are many players in the mail processing industry but only five organisations who compete in SecurityMails market space and competition is fierce for new work. The market is not boyant with most work available being already won by various mail houses. New opportunities are obtained via official tender processes when contracts expire, outsourcing (of which there are not many companies who have not outsourced their direct mail needs), and company acquisitions. Competitive advantage in most cases comes down to price and service. Customer retention is a quality and customer satisfaction issue. There is little technological differentiation in the industry with no new major players surfacing for several years due to the high capital required because of the costs of technology and equipment. The mail processing industry is highly competitive and new initiatives do not remain secret for too long. Industry gossip is rife. Information on competitors is sourced predominately from personal contacts but also from the market, industry journals and publications, published materials such as annual reports, stock market reports and market research. SecurityMail is aware of the activities of their competitors and conducts various benchmarking, pricing, efficiency and customer satisfaction exercises to obtain a competitive advantage. 3.2.3 Suppliers SecurityMail is always looking to strengthen its portfolio of offerings through strategic relations with key suppliers and partners. Partnerships with suppliers exist across all aspects of the service offerings of SecurityMail. Suppliers provide service and maintenance agreements on all equipment and also provide letterhead and envelopes and printed marketing material and receive outsourced work that SecurityMail is not able to process in-house. It is imperative that these relationships are nurtured as the service provided by their suppliers impacts on the ability of the organisation to meet service level agreements with their clients. The performance of all suppliers is monitored and preferred supplier agreements are set up to ensure that the organisation receives the most cost effective, efficient and reliable service possible from their suppliers. Clients are encouraged to allow SecurityMail to source items for them such as letterhead which it does through their preferred supplier s. This ensures that SecurityMail not only makes margin on the purchase but also allows SecurityMail to control the process. 3.2.4 Labour supply and the importance of managing diversity The attraction and retention of skilled personnel is of high importance to SecurityMail. One of the organisations aims is to become an employer of choice. Career development and mentoring programs, competitive remuneration, training and development opportunities and employee benefit packages have been developed to both attract and retain staff. The mail processing industry is highly specialised and as such it is difficult to source experienced staff. The aim is to retain experienced staff and develop the skills of less experienced staff. As the organisation adopts new technologies more highly skilled staff will be required. Sourcing initiatives will need to be developed to attract potential staff from outside the local area due to a lack of the skill base available in the community within which SecurityMail operates. SecurityMail enjoys harmonious relations with the AMWU (Automaotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union). This relationship is of high importance to the success of the organisation and will continue to be developed and fostered to promote opportunities for labour force flexibility such as weekend shift work and twelve hour shifts. 3.2.5 Government Agencies SecurityMail interacts with various government agencies such as employer organisations, WorkCover and the Australian Tax Office. Interactions with these bodies are seen as being a necessary activity in the operations of SecurityMail but is not seen as being a concern in the sales process. 4 The Importance of the Mega and Task Environments Tony Revell recognises the important part each external factor has to play in the operations of SecurityMail. The only factors not viewed as being important to the sales process were government agencies and the international element. Interactions with government agencies were viewed as being a Finance function and not related to the sales process. The organization still views the element as being important but it does not impact upon Tony Revell and his team. The international element is not relevant to SecurityMail as the company only operates within Australia. Mr Revell conceded however that if operations moved off-shore then this element would become an important consideration for SecurityMail. The ability to grow and prosper in the external environment is recognised as not being the documenting of a list of policies or institutional structures but rather an ability to incorporate external stimuli into coherent internal systems (West, 2001). SecurityMail has adopted this practice and incorporates the threats and opportunities of all of the relevant factors of the external environment into their operations. 5 Conclusion Since SecurityMails inception it has been their aim to provide a customer oriented service that meets the changing needs of their clients. They have to continually respond to the increasingly complex demands of the markets in which they operate. The increasing trend during recent years to out-source non-core activities together with technological advancements has seen those demands become more time critical and sophisticated in their application. All aspects of the external environment need to be monitored for any business to experience sustained success and competitive advantage in the market. This is recognised by SecurityMail and the success of this approach has resulted in them enjoying continued growth and expansion. Monitoring the external environment has also enabled them to keep abreast of changes and opportunities within their industry and to continue to expand and improve upon their product and service base.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Write Research Essay Important Ideas for Students
How to Write Research Essay Important Ideas for Students A research paper is a complex academic assignment. You need to base it on experiments and examples. Learn how to write research essay, use the data you gather in secondary and primary sources (books, journals, or others), and provide readers with a strong argument. Search for the most credible information before you start. Keep reading this helpful guide because it offers effective and simple guidelines to create the best academic papers of this type and impress professors. Hire a Professional How to submit a winning research paper? How to write research essay? It’s one of the most common questions that many students ask because this knowledge is essential for their academic success. That’s why you need to memorize a specific organization and general rules by heart and improve your own writing capabilities. A research paper is more difficult than other essays. What are Its Basic Sections? Check a common research paper structure and keep in mind a set of certain components or integral parts, including: Cover page; Title page (include a subject matter, your personal data, and date); Abstract; Content (write a list of all chapter headings and their page numbers); Introduction (make your statement and point out your reasoning or idea for conducting specific research in a few sentences); Body paragraphs (present your methods and reveal the essence of your work); Findings or results; Discussion; Conclusion (interpret your research and develop a brief review of major points); Bibliography or a works cited page (write down all the sources you use); Appendix (include different attachments). How to Choose a Good Topic and Reliable Sources? Conduct your study before developing any draft and consider only credible academic sources to find useful information for your research essay. Choose your great topic or research question. Write a catchy title in a few words. There are many sources that you can use to find suitable topics if instructors don’t assign you any specific subject. Unreliable sources are outdated and contain false data. Don’t forget to define your targeted audience and follow required style instructions. Research Essay Types and Objectives This academic paper has two basic types: Argumentative (debate and add valuable arguments to convince other people); Analytical (observe and analyze your chosen issue). Their structure is similar, but their content and objectives aren’t the same so that you need to learn all the differences. Both types have the same mission. The primary goal of completing this assignment is to improve your knowledge of a certain subject, and other objectives include: Improving research and technical skills; Stimulating your learning process; Enriching your vocabulary; Developing patience and diligence; Strengthening your time management and writing skills; Expanding the number of topics. Basic Writing Steps to Take There’s a clear algorithm for writing a research essay, and you can save a lot of time and energy if you know basic steps. What are they? Define the idea of your work; Analyze the literature; Generalize relevant materials and create an effective plan for your paper. Define the Idea of Your Work There are different subjects to choose from, and your main idea can be a technology of solution, setting a problem, etc. People don’t like reading about boring topics. That’s why your idea should be actual, interesting, and new. Look for a unique topic that you feel passionate about to make things easier and save time for other steps. Place Your Order Now Analyze the Literature At this stage of your writing process, look for available results of similar studies and take redundant data from them. Use specialized academic databases to find good sources. They enable you to search for specific or narrow information, find excellent books that fit your subject, and stay creative. Feel free to use the Internet. Check relevant online forums, blogs, or sites, but take into account that their information isn’t always reliable and genuine. Create a Research Essay Plan Generalize all the materials you gather to create a clear and strong plan of your future paper. Why do you need that? It serves as a key to your successful work. A detailed outline can help you build common reasoning or logic, make convincing arguments, and find good evidence for your ideas. Your plan also finds all the parts together. Great Research Essay Writing Tips Use these simple and helpful tips to submit a great piece of writing: Determine the scope of your paper or its word limit and stay within it; When developing your ideas and paragraphs, remember that both scientists and usual people will read it (use simple sentence structures and words); Divide the entire text into paragraphs to secure its good perception and make all ideas flow (each paragraph should contain one major thought or argument); Your research essay isn’t a pure statement of familiar facts (add your unique results, thoughts, recommendations, or conclusions and compare them to reveal potential contradictions). How to Proofread a Final Draft? After finishing your draft, you need to revise, proofread, and edit it to fix all mistakes and improve its overall quality. Take these effective steps: Make major changes to different pages; Assess your word choice; Find grammar, punctuation, spelling, or other errors; Remove sentences and paragraphs if appropriate; Rethink the entire paper; Analyze its tone, consistency, and writing style; Evaluate a logical flow of all ideas and sections. Do You Need Help? If you wish instructors to be happy with each page of your research essay, send it for editing to online professionals. They can even write the entire paper for you. Stop wasting your time or risking grades because you can entrust all of your complex or urgent assignments to skillful and reputable online experts.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bulfinchs Version of the Story of Apollo and Daphne
Bulfinchs Version of the Story of Apollo and Daphne The slime with which the earth was covered by the waters of the flood produced an excessive fertility, which called forth every variety of production, both bad and good. Among the rest, Python, an enormous serpent, crept forth, the terror of the people, and lurked in the caves of Mount Parnassus. Apollo slew him with his arrows - weapons which he had not before used against any but feeble animals, hares, wild goats, and such game. In commemoration of this illustrious conquest he instituted the Pythian games, in which the victor in feats of strength, swiftness of foot, or in the chariot race was crowned with a wreath of beech leaves; for the laurel was not yet adopted by Apollo as his own tree. The famous statue of Apollo called the Belvedere represents the god after this victory over the serpent Python. To this Byron alludes in his Childe Harold, iv. 161: ...The lord of the unerring bow,The god of life, and poetry, and light,The Sun, in human limbs arrayed, and browAll radiant from his triumph in the fight.The shaft has just been shot; the arrow brightWith an immortals vengeance; in his eyeAnd nostril, beautiful disdain, and mightAnd majesty flash their full lightnings by,Developing in that one glance the Deity. Apollo and Daphne Daphne was​ Apollos first love. It was not brought about by accident, but by the malice of Cupid. Apollo saw the boy playing with his bow and arrows; and being himself elated with his recent victory over Python, he said to him, What have you to do with warlike weapons, saucy boy? Leave them for hands worthy of them, Behold the conquest I have won by means of them over the vast serpent who stretched his poisonous body over acres of the plain! Be content with your torch, child, and kindle up your flames, as you call them, where you will, but presume not to meddle with my weapons. Venuss boy heard these words, and rejoined, Your arrows may strike all things else, Apollo, but mine shall strike you. So saying, he took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love, the other to repel it. The former was of gold and sharp pointed, the latter blunt and tipped with lead. With the leaden shaft he struck the nymph Daphne , the daughter of the river god Peneus, and with the golden one Apollo, through the heart. Forthwith the god was seized with love for the maiden, and she abhorred the thought of loving. Her delight was in woodland sports and in the spoils of the chase. lovers sought her, but she spurned them all, ranging the woods, and taking no thought of Cupid nor of Hymen. Her father often said to her, Daughter, you owe me a son-in-law; you owe me grandchildren. She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged all over with blushes, threw her arms around her fathers neck, and said, Dearest father, grant me this favour, that I may always remain unmarried, like Diana. He consented, but at the same time said, Your own face will forbid it. Apollo loved her, and longed to obtain her; and he who gives oracles to all the world was not wise enough to look into his own fortunes. He saw her hair flung loose over her shoulders, and said, If so charming, in disorder, what would it be if arranged? He saw her eyes bright as stars; he saw her lips, and was not satisfied with only seeing them. He admired her hands and arms, naked to the shoulder, and whatever was hidden from view he imagined more beautiful still. He followed her; she fled, swifter than the wind, and delayed not a moment at his entreaties. Stay, said he, daughter of Peneus; I am not a foe. Do not fly me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove the hawk. It is for love I pursue you. You make me miserable, for fear you should fall and hurt yourself on these stones, and I should be the cause. Pray run slower, and I will follow slower. I am no clown, no rude peasant. Jupiter is my father, and I am lord of Delphos and Tenedos, and know all things, present and future. I am th e god of song and the lyre. My arrows fly true to the mark; but, alas! an arrow more fatal than mine has pierced my heart! I am the god of medicine, and know the virtues of all healing plants. Alas! I suffer a malady that no balm. can cure! The nymph continued her flight, and left his plea half uttered. And even as she fled she charmed him. The wind blew her garments, and her unbound hair streamed loose behind her. The god grew impatient to find his wooings thrown away, and, sped by Cupid, gained upon her in the race. It was like a hound pursuing a hare, with open jaws ready to seize, while the feebler animal darts forward, slipping from the very grasp. So flew the god and the virgin- he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. The pursuer is the more rapid, however, and gains upon her, and his panting breath blows upon her hair. Her strength begins to fail, and, ready to sink, she calls upon her father, the river god: Help me, Peneus! open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger! Scarcely had she spoken, when a stiffness seized all her limbs; her bosom began to be enclosed in a tender bark; her hair became leaves; her arms became branches; her foot stuck fast in the grou nd, as a root; her face became a tree-top, retaining nothing of its former self but its beauty, Apollo stood amazed. He touched the stem, and felt the flesh tremble under the new bark. He embraced the branches, and lavished kisses on the wood. The branches shrank from his lips. Since you cannot be my wife, said he, you shall assuredly be my tree. I will wear you for my crown; I will decorate with you my harp and my quiver; and when the great Roman conquerors lead up the triumphal pomp to the Capitol, you shall be woven into wreaths for their brows. And, as eternal youth is mine, you also shall be always green, and your leaf know no decay. The nymph, now changed into a Laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment. That Apollo should be the god both of music and poetry will not appear strange, but that medicine should also be assigned to his province, may. The poet Armstrong, himself a physician, thus accounts for it: Music exalts each joy, allays each grief,Expels diseases, softens every pain;And hence the wise of ancient days adoredOne power of physic, melody, and song. The story of Apollo and Daphne is of ten alluded to by the poets. Waller applies it to the case of one whose amatory verses, though they did not soften the heart of his mistress, yet won for the poet wide-spread fame: Yet what he sung in his immortal strain,Though unsuccessful, was not sung in vain.All but the nymph that should redress his wrong,Attend his passion and approve his song.Like Phoebus thus, acquiring unsought praise,He caught at love and filled his arms with bays. The following stanza from Shelleys Adonais alludes to Byrons early quarrel with the reviewers: The herded wolves, bold only to pursue;The obscene ravens, clamorous oer the dead;The vultures, to the conquerors banner true,Who feed where Desolation first has fed,And whose wings rain contagion: how they fled,When like Apollo, from his golden bow,The Pythian of the age one arrow spedAnd smiled! The spoilers tempt no second blow;They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them as they go. More Stories From Greek Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch Dragons TeethMinotaurPomegranate SeedsPyramus and Thisbe
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Censorship Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Censorship - Research Paper Example If these are made public, for example issues concerning crimes against humanity, corruption etc the affected leaders may face criticism or even sanctions which may be humiliating to the affected leadership. This essay is a critical evaluation of censorship from the perspective that it is not a fair practice with examples of leaderships that has practiced it such as Soviet Union and other societies. Freedom of expression is a human right that should be protected in all societies. This is due to the fact that it enhances democracy since everyone would be accorded equal chances to air their views regarding administration and governance as well as accessing the right information from sources which are not influenced by politics or any superior sources. It is therefore against the spirit of democracy for any institution to exercise control on the sources of this information especially the media, which has a wide influence through expansive coverage and viewership it receives across international boundaries. Due to this influence, the media has been targeted by administrations whereby materials being disseminated to the public are monitored first to ensure that the content regardless of whether it is correct or not, does not create fears among the public (Patterson 2000 p 92). In the Soviet Union, censorship was practiced on the media such that there was no independent journalism. A ll the reporting was influenced by the communist party so as to ensure that all the information contained in the reports favored the party as well as the rule of the land. It went further to prohibit foreign newspapers from entering the country unless the agents, who had to be communists, sympathized with the policies of the government of the time. In addition, the government had illegalized the ownership of printing and copying machines so as to prevent publication of books and articles which the government classified as illegal, failure to
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Total Gross External Area of the Building Research Paper
The Total Gross External Area of the Building - Research Paper Example Viewing the property from all directions the building is not been altered since construction, the walls are made of bricks and covered by a tile roofing which is still in good condition. The ground floor contains a kitchen, dining and living, and a garage attached to the side of the building. The first floor contains 4 bedrooms of which one is the master bedroom and bathroom. All the rooms in the house are fully furnished. The house is located within an already established residential estate. It is located at the junction of Worthing road and north road in the west of Sussex. The exterior walls, on the other hand, are made of brick and the inside is finished with solid concrete, the floor is made of thick concrete which is in good condition and no sign of dampness was evident. The reinstatement cost is the cost that may be incurred in the rebuilding of a house, Household insurance is calculated in two parts, this includes building an insurance and content insurance, building insuranc es cover the building and other building fittings, content insurance on the hand covers. There are various methods used in the valuation of buildings, in our case we have used the Gross external area method in estimating the value of the residential property, the residential property market price is 299,995 while the estimated value is 263,000 and given the condition of the house the market price is much higher than the estimated price, therefore the house is far overvalued in the market and purchasing the house may lead to resale problems in the future.
Carmax System in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Carmax System in China - Essay Example The company expects to open five new stores in 2012 in the U.S market, with a total of 103 used car stores across U.S by the end of 2011, making CarMax the largest used car company in the U.S. The online market is the most active market, with more than 75% of used car customers in the country visiting the company’s websites, or buying their cars online (CarMax, 2011). The company has an integrated RFID system that tracks vehicles as an inventory management system; the system tracks vehicles throughout the purchase life; from the purchase, to reconditioning, test drives to the final sale (CarMax, 2011). The use of the Radio Frequency Identification ensures that all vehicles in the company are scanned accordingly, tracked to prevent any possible theft or losses in the process. The use of RFID makes each vehicle to be linked to sales consultant, and aids in tracking the market pricing in wholesale of vehicles. The use of the RFID technology is critical in ensuring the management has the required real time information concerning storage and transportation, inventory, pricing, vehicle transfers, auctions, productivity, credit process, information among other processes (CarMax, 2011). In addition to the above inventory management, the Electronic Repair Order System (ERO) is strategically used in reconditioning processes, and procedures in the company. The technology enhances quality, while reducing costs, which are then transferred to the customer as enhanced services and profitability (CarMax, 2011). The above information technology in inventory tracking, and in managing the repair works ensure that the company has a competitive advantage over other second hand car dealers in U.S. CarMax in United States market is highly developed with leading technologies in inventory and repair process. This is due to the high volume of cars handed by the company annually, with large auction stores; about 103 stores across the U.S. CarMax Co. Ltd is a car accessory distribu tor for Hotai Motor Co. Ltd, a Taiwan based distributor of Japanese car maker, Toyota (CNA, 2011). The company started its operations in China in March 2011, by initiating two branches dealing with used cars, and car systems. According to Hotai, used car market in china is still at its infancy as at 2011, but with a great growth potential expected. In China, the total car sales are about 20 million units, compared to the 300,000 units sold annually in Taiwan (CNA, 2011). Currently, the high sales volume of used cars in China portrays a rapid increase in the used cars market that will certainly surpass the purchase of new cars in the near future. A Study report conducted by Arthur D. Little, a world renown management consulting firm, indicates the annual sales volume of used cars in China will surpass the sales of new cars, by the year 2020 (Tong, 2011). The compound annual growth of used cars in China between 2006 and 2012 was about 25%, and predicted to grow at much higher rates in the future. However, the Chinese used car market is on the budding stage, with more Chinese realizing a fertile market in used cars, boosted by increasing business in rental cars. The standard of used cars will mature with time, and the ratio of used cars to new cars expected to be more than 1 in the near future (Tong, 2011). Therefore, CarMax looks forward for a booming business in used car market in China in the near future. The improving used car market has led CarMax to open two new branches in China; in preparation for the expected high demand of used cars in future. China has become the world leading market for RFID by value. For example, in 2008 the East Asia countries bought an equivalent of about $2.8 billion of the $5.29 worth of RFID spent globally. China alone spent $1.96 billion to
Event-Related Potential Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Event-Related Potential - Essay Example Often, the executive functions are invoked when it is necessary to override responses that may otherwise be automatically elicited by stimuli in the external environment. It forecasts with a potentially rewarding stimulus, such as a tasty piece of chocolate cake, the automatic response might be to take a bite. The neural mechanisms by which the executive functions are implemented is a topic of ongoing debate in the field of cognitive neuroscience.Experimental psychologists and neuroscientists have discovered many different stimuli. The timing of these responses is thought to provide a measure of the timing of the brain's communication or time of information processing. Due to the consistency of the external response to novel stimuli, a brain-computer interface can be constructed which relies on it by arranging many signals in a grid, randomly STUDIES AND RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT IN EVENT RELATED POTENTIALS The ongoing electroencephalogram (EEG) provides a satisfactory scale for accessing temporal evolution of the brain activity associated with cognitive processes in health and disease. However, momentary changes in brain activity, as reflected in EEG, are rarely exploited due to lack of analytical tools and methodology. The electrodes covering the parietal lobe typically measure the P300 signal most strongly. The presence, magnitude, topography and time of this signal are often used as metrics of cognitive function in decision-making processes. While the neural substrates of this ERP remain hazy, the reproducibility of this signal makes it a common choice for psychological tests in both the clinic and the laboratory. Although the EEG... This essay stresses that the ongoing electroencephalogram (EEG) provides a satisfactory scale for accessing temporal evolution of the brain activity associated with cognitive processes in health and disease. However, momentary changes in brain activity, as reflected in EEG, are rarely exploited due to lack of analytical tools and methodology. The electrodes covering the parietal lobe typically measure the P300 signal most strongly. The presence, magnitude, topography and time of this signal are often used as metrics of cognitive function in decision-making processes. While the neural substrates of this ERP remain hazy, the reproducibility of this signal makes it a common choice for psychological tests in both the clinic and the laboratory. This paper declares that the EEG signal is most strongly acquired around the parietal electrodes, interactions involving the frontal and temporal regions as well as several deep brain loci have been suggested. These components respond individually to different stimuli, and it has been suggested that the P300 originates from stimulus-driven frontal attention mechanisms during task processing. The P300 signal is an aggregate recording from a great many neurons In practice, the P300 waveform must be evoked using a stimulus delivered by one of the sensory modalities. One typical procedure is the 'oddball' paradigm, whereby a target stimulus is presented amongst more frequent standard background stimuli. A distracter stimulus may also be used to ensure that the response is due to the target rather than the change from a background pattern.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Project Management - Assignment Example It also develops ways to integrate these resources within the organizational context and the wider company strategy for management of wide-ranging interpersonal issues that might crop up in the organization. The given business is that of a car manufacturing company that is undergoing a scale improvement in business practices. From a regular business of buying from the manufacturer and selling cars on a retail basis, the company is transforming into full scale car assembly and manufacturing business along with the selling strategy. This transformation involves a number of hiring and recruitment processes of individuals with different skill sets so that necessary resources are well utilized with a strong human resource team. For the purpose of business expansion, the human resource management decides to recruit staff that shall have specific skill sets at each level of the manufacturing process, so that the entire production line has specialized and skilled employees (Cole, 2002). In case of this project, the company shall need to hire about 40 new people at various positions and different levels of the employee hierarchy. These employees shall be distributed within the Purchasing, Receiving, Manufacturing and the Sales departments. It is believed that the highest recruitment shall go towards the sale team because it is an enlarged part of the business team. The car manufacturing process is highly automatic and hence, shall not require many people in the manufacturing task (Harrison, 2000). The revamped business has been started afresh and the team shall make use of existing staff as higher level managers while hiring staff posited below them. This activity will recruit one person who shall be responsible for overseeing well-functioning of the manufacturing activity and assure that all different activities in the process of manufacturing are well aligned. Another twelve individuals shall look into goods transfer to point of sale and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The influence of the Enlightenment and Postmodernism on Work Essay
The influence of the Enlightenment and Postmodernism on Work - Essay Example According to my research, postmodernism is clearly influencing numerous businesses and organizations that operate in the digital world (David 2010). This is evident in companies that are utilizing post modernism technology in their day-today operations. Remarkably, this is a major step in conserving the ecosystem, making work easier, and improving medical care. However, postmodern changes pose a major challenge to businesses and organizations. This is evident in my research on how several companies are also using internet connectivity. For example, the internet is been used to make work easier worldwide. The use of social media such as Facebook indicates the work simplicity that result from postmodernism whereby I relay information to workmates through these sites (Astradur 2009). Moreover, I can hold meetings with people at work without attending the meeting by the use of video conferencing technology. Modernism and Financial Times Hi-tech advancements are been embraced largely by the serious media in online activities. My research has revealed the dramatic changes in media especially the financial times and the times. The Financial time plan to eliminate a number of editorial jobs and replace them with a few jobs as a focus on post modernism by this the financial time will have shifted from news to a more fast networked business. However, this will have a large number of employees jobless. Financial times have shifted from then modern way of printing newspapers to a more flexible and fast means the online news and services. Only job cutting will act as a source of revenue to ensure that it will continue existing in the post modernized era although is not enough to keep it running in the post modernized era. ... This is evident in my research on how several companies are also using internet connectivity. For example, the internet is been used to make work easier worldwide. The use of social media such as Facebook indicates the work simplicity that result from postmodernism whereby I relay information to workmates through these sites (Astradur 2009). Moreover, I can hold meetings with people at work without attending the meeting by the use of video conferencing technology. Modernism and Financial Times Hi-tech advancements are been embraced largely by the serious media in online activities. My research has revealed the dramatic changes in media especially the financial times and the times. The Financial time plan to eliminate a number of editorial jobs and replace them with a few jobs as a focus on post modernism by this the financial time will have shifted from news to a more fast networked business. However, this will have a large number of employees jobless. Financial times have shifted fr om then modern way of printing newspapers to a more flexible and fast means the online news and services. Only job cutting will act as a source of revenue to ensure that it will continue existing in the post modernized era although is not enough to keep it running in the post modernized era. Financial Time Modernism Challenges The financial time is also facing a challenge of competitors where its only competitors are the new entrants the Google and twitter. However, these competitors are a major challenge to the financial times since their cost of production and operation is low. The Financial time has to find other ways of earning revenue other than the advertising way (Yuenan 2013). This is because of the deflating advertisements due to major
Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Project Management - Assignment Example It also develops ways to integrate these resources within the organizational context and the wider company strategy for management of wide-ranging interpersonal issues that might crop up in the organization. The given business is that of a car manufacturing company that is undergoing a scale improvement in business practices. From a regular business of buying from the manufacturer and selling cars on a retail basis, the company is transforming into full scale car assembly and manufacturing business along with the selling strategy. This transformation involves a number of hiring and recruitment processes of individuals with different skill sets so that necessary resources are well utilized with a strong human resource team. For the purpose of business expansion, the human resource management decides to recruit staff that shall have specific skill sets at each level of the manufacturing process, so that the entire production line has specialized and skilled employees (Cole, 2002). In case of this project, the company shall need to hire about 40 new people at various positions and different levels of the employee hierarchy. These employees shall be distributed within the Purchasing, Receiving, Manufacturing and the Sales departments. It is believed that the highest recruitment shall go towards the sale team because it is an enlarged part of the business team. The car manufacturing process is highly automatic and hence, shall not require many people in the manufacturing task (Harrison, 2000). The revamped business has been started afresh and the team shall make use of existing staff as higher level managers while hiring staff posited below them. This activity will recruit one person who shall be responsible for overseeing well-functioning of the manufacturing activity and assure that all different activities in the process of manufacturing are well aligned. Another twelve individuals shall look into goods transfer to point of sale and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Tax Law Essay Example for Free
Tax Law Essay Summarize the sources and objectives of modern income tax statutes. The primary source of US tax law is Congress. Power to initiate tax legislation is vested in the House of Representatives but all tax bills must pass both houses and be signed into law by the President. Many times the details of the legislation are not dictated by Congress, but left to the Treasury Department which adopts regulations (that have the force of law) to spell out the details as well as interpret the statutes and provide guidance on the law. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues rulings that address the application of the law to specific fact situations. The court system is also involved in making tax law through decisions about specific fact situations. The main tax courts are the US Tax Court and the District Courts of the US. These decisions can (and do) overturn and change tax provisions based on other decisions, as well as the legislative history of the particular legislation. The primary objective of the federal income tax law is to raise revenues for government operations. In recent years, the federal government has broadened its use of the tax laws to accomplish various economic and social policy objectives. Economic Objectives The federal income tax law is used as a fiscal policy tool to stimulate private investment, reduce unemployment, and mitigate the effects of inflation on the economy. The federal income tax law also attempts to stimulate and encourage certain activities, specialized industries, and small businesses. Social Objectives The tax law attempts to encourage or discourage certain socially desirable or undersirable activities. For example: Special tax-favored pension and profit-sharing plans have been created for employees and self-employed individuals to supplement the social security retirement system. Compare and contrast GAAP and tax accounting. Explain why they are different. GAAP accounting records all financial transactions: cash, accrual, investment, expenses, tax and all other expenses and deductions that may or may not have to be reported on your yearly tax form. This form of accounting is governed by strict standards and rules and may show actual income that is different from taxable income. GAAP accounting is a set of standards provided by policy boards and commonly accepted methods of recording financial information that gives consistency to any type of financial reporting. Tax based accounting is used by most CPAs, and the majority of certified financial statements come from tax based accounting. The focus of this type of accounting is on tracking your taxable income as it builds throughout the year. Tax accounting is a method of producing financial statements that uses the same methods that will apply to your tax return. Features GAAP accounting provides a means for a business to have a complete overview of the reality of its operations by tracking all monetary relationships, investments and expenditure. Tax accounting provides a focus on business or personal expenses that pertain to tax records only. Benefits GAAP accounting is more involved then tax accounting and provides more details about the monetary reality of daily operations that may or may not pertain to your tax needs. It also provides an accurate statement of your liabilities and assets. Tax based accounting has less rules and makes it easier to see where you stand at any given point of the year with taxable income, it does not, however, reliably report all liabilities and assets. Considerations When choosing which form of accounting to use for your personal or business needs there are several points to consider. If your business must issue financial statements to investors, GAAP provides greater consistency in the reporting, as it is guided by industry standards and not subject to the many changes that occur in tax requirements on a yearly basis. If you are newly in business, or if you are just beginning to use an accounting method in your personal life, you may want to utilize GAAP standards, as it will allow ou to begin to see how money is used in all areas of your life and business. If you are established in your business and do not need to issue financial statements, or your personal budget is adequate and realistic to your living needs, the simpler tax accounting methods may be better for you as your focus will remain on what is needed to successfully file taxes at the end of each year, and you do not need the masses of data associated with tracking ever y financial transaction that occurs during the year. Expert Insight Tax accounting, also known as OCBOA (Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting), also includes a method of accounting known as cash basis. It is rare that any business can succeed basing its accounting on cash. The intricacies of financial transactions and the necessity of looking for non-cash based deductions come tax time make cash based tax accounting impractical. Note that all standards for accounting are set by the IASC (International Accounting Standards Commission). Differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Since the passage of the first income tax law, tax accountants, lawyers, and business persons have concerned themselves with choosing among the various forms a transaction may take. Tax planning is the process of arranging an individual’s transactions in such a manner as to maximize the individual’s after-tax income. This process is called tax avoidance, and it is a legal and legitimate pursuit. Some persons choose to ignore their obligations and the clear provisions of the law, and their actions often result in Tax Evasion. Tax evasion involves fraudulent or criminal behavior as well as conduct involving deception, concealment, or destruction of records. Tax evasion occurs when the taxpayer avoids payment of taxes that are legally due and owed under tax laws, either through underreporting income or claim deductions to which they are not entitled. The English precedents were relied on repeatedly by Indian courts as well. Tax avoidance was thus seen as a permanent right of assessees. Then came the turbulence, temporary though. The Supreme Court, in the McDowell Co Ltd vs CTO (1985 154 ITR 148 SC) case, said that time has come to depart from the old thinking. It said even tax avoidance is bad and deserves condemnation. The apex courts justification for this being, the House of Lords, the highest judicial forum of English, has given a go-by to the principle laid down by the British courts (in Duke of Westminster case). Since tax avoidance as a legal route was rejected by the very country of origin, it does not merit any better treatment in India, the Supreme Court held. The adverse legal consequences of this judgment for taxpayers were enormous. First, it came from the highest court of the land and, therefore, binding on all lower courts and Tribunals. Two, the McDowell case blurred the distinction between avoidance and evasion. The Department, of course, welcomed the ruling. It repeatedly tried applying this case, as only the Supreme Court can undo the McDowell case, if at all. And fortunately the apex court did reverse the findings in the McDowell case in Union of India vs Azadi Bachao Andolan (2003 132 Taxmann 373 SC). It was argued before the Supreme Court that the McDowell case had changed the face of fiscal jurisprudence in the country. Therefore, for any tax planning, the court must strike down what is intended to and results in avoidance. Rejecting this argument, the apex court upheld the legitimate rights of taxpayer in tax avoidance. In the process, it found that the McDowell ruling was nothing exceptional but only an exception to the well-settled law.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Ethiopian Revenue And Customs Authority
The Ethiopian Revenue And Customs Authority Before I identify the extent to which the Ethiopian revenue and customs authority move from a gatekeeper style of compliance management to a more risk-based management style, it is necessary to coat the key objectives of the authority. The key objectives of the authority are commonly facilitation, control and then achieving an appropriate balance between trade facilitation activities and regulatory controls. Thus, the authority has been implementing different risk- based management styles to apply efficient and effective controls in order to fulfill the responsibility to collect revenue, implement trade policy ,safeguard the public ,manage the increasing international trade and tourism, reduce custom personnel and offer trade facilitation to legitimate traders, travelers and carries. The ultimate objectives of the authority is creating compliance and voluntary tax payer and collecting tax and duty from the economy by applying legitimate and modern tax system. If so, the authority bel ieves that it is must to have techniques styles which are- risk based compliance management rather than gatekeeper style of compliance management to achieve the above objectives of the authority effectively and efficiently. Thus, the authority is applying different risk based compliance management techniques from time to time. Especially, since the authority introduced business process re-engineering to reform its controlling techniques from gatekeeper compliance management to risk based compliance management styles. Then, it necessary to define why need manage risk? The concept of organizational risk refers to the possibilities of events and activities occurring that may prevent an organization from achieving its objectives. Such as providing the international trading community with an appropriate level of facilitation, and ensure compliance with the organizations laws such as licensing requirements , valuation provisions ,rules of origin duty exemption regimes, trade restrictions and security regulations, as well as the potential failure to facilitate international trade. Thus, like any other organization, the authority need to manage its risks. This requires the systematic application of management p rocedures designed to reduce those risks to ensure that its objectives are achieved as efficiently and effectively as possible. This leads the authority to reform its management styles to risk- based compliance management style from gatekeeper compliance management styles. As a whole, the authority reforms all most all its managing styles from the traditional gatekeeper management style to risk based compliance management styles. The authoritys managing styles are characterized by identification of potential risks with resources being directed towards high risk areas and minimal intervention in similarly identified low risk areas. Relatively the pre business process reengineering reformation, authoritys managing style was characterized by indiscriminate custom intervention or a regime of 100% checks. Similarly, payments of duties and other taxes are a pre requisite for customs clearance and such clearance is invariably withheld until all formalities and real-time transaction checks completed. This compliance managing style was a gatekeeper managing style in which the authority was using as managing style for so many times till the authority internalized business process reengineering to all its organizational structure and administration style as a who le. The Authority has been changing its a compliance management styles to risk based management from the traditional 100 percent document check and physical examination except with too much rare random and arbitrary of the authority intervention which could not characterized the authorities a compliance management style to be gatekeeper style. Thus, it is possible to estimate the authority to what extent does it move from gatekeeper style of compliance management to a more risk based management style. The authority internalized different new risk based management approaches to its managing style for its effective and efficient objective achievement. Before I define the different new approaches applied by the authority, it is necessary to define the two styles of compliance management. The first one is the risk based compliance management style which characterized by the identification of potential risks, with recourses being directed towards high risk area and minimal intervention in similarly identified low risk areas in order to deliver legitimate, moderate and fast service to traders, collect the revenue effectively and efficiently, facilitate the transaction and safeguarded the public. Thus, such regimes adopt strategies that break the nexus between physical control over goods and a traders revenue liability, and permit customs clearance to be guaranteed prior to the arrival of ergo. Whereas the gate keeper style of compliance management style is characterized by indiscriminat e customs intervention or a regime of 100 percent cheek. Similarly payment of duties and other taxes is a pre request for customs clearance under the gate keeper model and such Clearance is invariably with held until all Formalities and real-time transaction checks are completed. If such style of compliance management is used as a key techniques of compliance management in the current time, in which the trade volume and complexity is increasing rapidly, the authority could not be efficient and effective in different purposes, such as trade facilitation, delivery legitimate and moderate client service, safeguard the public and collection of revenue. This is the key reason to the authority to reform its compliance management style from gatekeeper compliance management style to risk based management style. From the new approaches of compliance management applied by the authority some are listed below. A. Self assessment: in which the value add tax (vat) registered trader declare its input tax and output tax to the authority monthly In a way that the trader keeps its own financial recorders during his /her transaction and then declared to the authority in order to pay if there is tax payable and to forward credit or refund if there is credit according to the tax and duty regulations and laws of the authority. Here the focused point is not the self declaring but the system by itself is risk based compliance management style because if the authority is uncertain with some points of the traders declaration or if there are a potential risks with trader, the authority assure the uncertainty or risk through Audit by the authoritys auditors. If we look this against the risk based compliance management pyramid it leads us to the compliance assessment that could help the authority to facilitate the day to day transaction of the traders and the need to control the traders and the trade itself, and also it could identify information of compliance and non compliance being the authority gather different financial recordings from the trader as a result this could help the authority to select potential risks, low risks and compliance or non-compliance profiles. The other point is that the authority could investigate (audit) the industry, traders, manufacturers, importers and whole salers when they are suspected. B, Applicable dates for determination of duties and taxes:-The applicable date for determining customers duties and taxes is as follow:- For goods imported: the date when the customers declaration is accepted. This by itself could assure pre arrival assessment, clearance and fast release of imported goods during their arrival in custom control which could be classified in to risk based compliance management style because the authority could intervene if there is any potential risks with arrived goods before release is approved. For goods carried by passengers: the date of customs clearance. This could compare with the risk based compliance management pyramid it leads us to client service in which the client could get fast and immediate service by the authority accompanied by cooperation and consultation of the authority to the client. The authority expected to deliver fast and legitimate client services. But it has not to be risky to the authority revenue collection and the public security. In such cases the authority gives the service based on the risk level of the imported goods by the passenger. C, Administrative settlement of custom offences:- The authority settle custom offences, other than those relating to contraband or involving above 25% or birr 500,000 of the payable duties and taxes, administratively by taking due account on the nature of the offences and their impacts on the interests of the public and government. According to this, custom offences administrative settlement the authority keeps the importer profile to identify the intention of the offences by the importer if it is deliberate or not in a way that risk based management to identify compliance and non-compliance to enforce non-compliance using administrative discretion. According the profile of importers offences, the authority levies different administrative actions starting from persuasion- formal warning-penalty with regard their difficulties, offence times and if or not the importer committed the offence deliberately. The administrative settlement of custom offence in the authority start to contribute a remarkable result to the import and export facilitation of the country, revenue collection of the government and prepare a profile that could help to identify compliance and non-compliance. An appropriate legislative frame work is an essential element of any regulatory regime, because the primary role of custom is to ensure compliance with the laws as identified in the above pages regardless of the compliance management approach that it is supporting, the legislative frame work must provide the necessary business law for the achievement of the range administration has chosen to adopt. For ex sample, an appropriate bases in law mast exist to enable customs to break nexus between its physical control over internationally trading goods and revenue liability (that is, custom duty and other taxes) such goods may attract. This does not necessary imply, however, that such differentiation must be explicitly addressed in relevant statutory provisions. For example, if legislation itself is silent on the relationship between customs control over cargo and revenue liability sufficient scope is likely to exist for administratively flexible solutions to be implemented. underpinned by relevant legal provisions , the various elements of administrative and risk management frame work employed by customs essentially reflect the underlying style of compliance management being pursued by the administration with an increasing use of risk management principles as the administration move away from traditional, risk averse gatekeeper style of compliance management to more risk based approach. The available technological frame work represents an enabler that, while not critical to the achievements of a risk management style, service to significantly enhance an administration ability to adopt such styles. Thus, the authority applies a technological information system centrally to reform the traditional gatekeeper style of compliance management which the legislative base provides for a one size fits all approach compliance management to a risk based management style in which the legislative base provides for a flexible and tailored solutions to enable relevant risk management administrative strategies to be implemented. The legislative base recognizes responsibilities for both government and the trading community in achieving regulatory compliance. This could provide logical frame work for demonstrating how various types of risk based strategies, including non enforcement strategies such as self assessment, may be used to effectively manage compliance. Fundamentally to this approach is the need to provide the commercial sector with the ability to comply with custom requirements. This involves establishing an effective legislative base and an appropriate range of client service strategies,(including effective guidelines).Such strategies are necessary to provide the commercial sector with the means to achieve certainty and clarity in assessing liabilities and entitlement. This is the reason why the authority is reforming its means of communication electronically from the traditional way of communication. Thus, this could also recognize res pective responsibilities of government and industry of the country and sanctions for non compliance. From the technologies that the authority internalized to its organizational structure is tin integration system which is the one and the moderate technological advancement that could help the authority to give the tin number to all registered clients similarly and use to have different supporting information of the trader, importers, whole seller, enterprises and other business entities country wide. This could minimize different level of risk that could appear in the gatekeeper compliance management style relatively. Such technological advancement provides the trading community with electronic as well as paper based reporting, storage and authentication. Such previsions could enable regulators to relay on commercially generated data to the greatest extent possible. As well as appropriate communications and information technology to provide for automated processing and clearance ar rangements. Regulators could achieve maximum integration with commercial system of the country that the authority needs to facilitate transactions as much as possible. The authority is applying different new approach of compliance management style to its operational and administrative structure to achieve the above specified key objectives of the authority. It could be said that the authority is getting a point full results by applying the above specified new approach of compliance management that aimed to reform traditional gatekeeper style of compliance management to risk based management style is almost organizational wide working approach for different purposes supposed by the authority . Even though some drawbacks are occurring with applying the new approach of compliance management, the authority is working day to day to reform its compliance management approach as much as possible. From this it is possible to estimate to what extent does the authority moved to adopt risk based compliance management styles and applying different new approach of compliance management style through organizational reformation. To conclude, in assessing the level of compliance, custom should encounter two situations: compliance and non compliance. The non compliance spectrum ranges from innocent mistakes blatant fraud. If the errors near to the fraudulent end of the spectrum, some form of sanction will need to apply, including administrating penalties or in more several cases, prosecution and license revocation. Before determining the need for or nature of, a sanction, however, it is important to identify the true nature of the risk by establishing why the error has occurred. For example, the error may be the result of a control problem within the company due to flawed systems and procedures or it may be the result of a deliberate attempt to defraud. It also may be that the relevant legislation is unclear or the administrative requirements are ambiguous. The type of mitigation strategies that custom should employe to ensure future compliance will depend on the nature of the identified risk. Unless the error is fraud to be international, it may be appropriate to address systematic problems within the company or to provide the company with advice on compliance issue or provide formal clarification of the law and regulations of the authority through binding rulings or other means. In this regard it is important to recognize that different solutions will be required to address honest mistakes on the one hand, and deliberate attempts to evade duty on the other. Effective risk management is central to modern customs operations, and provides the means to achieve an appropriate balance between trade facilitation and regulatory control. To manage risk effectively, the authoritys administration must gain a clear understanding of the nature of risks to the achievement of its objectives and device practical methods of mitigation those risks. Finally, there needs to be a demonstrated commitment from the highest level of the organization structure to support the transition to risk based approach compliance management.
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